Drilling & Completion

  • Shale Shaker Screen
Shale Shaker Screen

Shale Shaker Screen

  • Shale Shaker Screen
  • Product description: Shale Shaker Screen

Shaker screen is the wear part of shale shaker,mainly classified into soft sieve screen, sieve plate type screen,and frame plate type screen. We  are shale shaker screen manufacturer form China which can produce the replacement shale shaker screens for NOV Brandt, M-I SWACO, Kemtron, Scomi and FSI.

Product characteristics are wear resistance, wearability, rating of temperature, low cost, easy disassembly, conductivity ( powder ) liquid, good trapping ( dreg ) effect, etc.

If you are looking for replacement shaker screens for your drilling equipment shale shaker, you can consider my Screen. All of the shale shaker screens that we offer are high quality but extremely affordable. With a wide range of mesh designs and customizable screen options available, we can provide the perfect screen for your equipment at a price you can afford.

Tags:shale shaker screen,oilfield drilling fluids shale shaker screen,oilfield drilling shaker screen,steel frame shaker screen, shaker screen,shale shakers screen,VSM300 type screen, Mongoose Composite Shaker Screen, drilling fluid vibrating screen, shale shakers screens prices, oil shale shaker screen, replacement shaker screen, shaker screens for sale, api shale shaker screen, api 80 shaker screens.


Contact: Alex. Wong

Phone: +86 15383764407

Tel: +86 15383764407

Email: bhdoilfield@yeah.net

Add: Room 329,  Huang Si Road Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

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